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ABB multi-standard rapid EV chargers coming to Northumberland

The ABB Terra 53CJG chargers are rated at 50kW and rapidly charge electric cars from zero to 80 per cent of their battery capacity in less than 30 minutes.

The installation is part of a network of over 500 rapid charge points nationwide, part funded by OLEV (Department for Transport’s, Office for Low Emission Vehicles).

It is one of OLEV’s largest rapid charging electric vehicle projects and was awarded to ABB by Jewson on behalf of Northumberland County Council. The multi-standard, triple-outlet rapid chargers will be installed in strategic locations across Northumberland with connection to the Pay As You Go national network provided by Charge Your Car.

The delivery of a comprehensive EV charging solution from ABB includes project management, site design and commissioning. The civil and electrical works, installation and three years’ maintenance will be carried out by Northumberland County Council supported by ABB’s remote and local engineering support.

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