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ABB to update automation systems at Arjowiggins Creative Papers


ABB to update automation systems at Arjowiggins Creative Papers

ABB has won a contract to provide new automation, quality control and collaborative production management solutions to Arjowiggins Creative Papers’ Stoneywood Mill in Aberdeen, Scotland. The new systems are part of a modernisation project that will increase productivity, product quality and energy efficiency.

The delivery includes ABB’s System 800xA Extended Automation to control the central boiler house and integrate with other mill systems. System 800xA will protect Stoneywood Mill’s paper machines’ steam and electrical supplies by replacing older, less reliable equipment, while helping to optimise energy efficiency. Its unique operator interface will give workers clear visibility into mill status information at all times.

The new Quality Control System integrated with the 800xA control system for PM10 will maximise product quality and help sustain the Arjowiggins Creative Papers’ high quality brands. ABB’s integrated control system significantly improves mill productivity by increasing operator effectiveness and reducing transition times during shade and grade changes.

ABB’s delivery also includes several collaborative production management solutions. cpmPlus, Smart Client information management software will provide users with easy access to real time and historical process data. With Smart Client, Arjowiggins Creative Papers supervisors can make better decisions and improve mill management. cpmPlus Loop Performance Manager has tuning and auditing tools that will keep the mill running at peak levels with minimal engineering staff effort.


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