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BCIA Awards 2021 finalists announced

The Building Controls Industry Association (BCIA) is delighted to announce the finalists for the BCIA Awards 2021. Despite a difficult and unprecedented year the record has once again been broken for the number of entries received, giving the judges plenty to think about. The finalised shortlists are as follows:

Building Controls and BEMS Installer of the Year
Sponsored by Trend Control Systems

Engineer of the Year
Sponsored by BCIA

Young Engineer of the Year
Sponsored by Schneider Electric

Energy Management Award
Sponsored by Priva UK

Best Service and Maintenance Provider
Sponsored by Western Automation

Technical Innovation of the Year – Products
Sponsored by BCIA

Technical Innovation of the Year – Projects
Sponsored by Johnson Controls

Contribution to Training Award
Sponsored by Siemens Building Products

Smart Buildings Award
Sponsored by BCIA

Terry Sharp, President of the BCIA, says: “It is fantastic to see that despite all the difficulties of last year we have once again received a record breaking number of entries for the BCIA Awards. Many discussions I have had with industry colleagues have centred around how the effects of lockdown could change how we manage our built environment in the longer term. The standard of entries received has shown how our members have remained as innovative and forward-thinking as ever and it will be fascinating to see who takes home the prizes in September.”

The 2021 Awards will be held on Thursday 9 September 2021, at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.

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