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BCIA Awards 2021 now open for entry- enter online today!

The BCIA is delighted to announce the launch of the 2021 BCIA Awards which will take place on Thursday 6th May 2021 at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole.

The biggest and best Awards in the controls and BEMS industry, the BCIA Awards recognise innovation, product development, project delivery and great training in the building controls sector.

For 2021 the BCIA has introduced a brand new online entry system which allows you to start, edit, view and download your entry before submitting it for the 2021 BCIA Awards. The closing date for entries is Friday 22nd January 2021.

There are nine different categories to enter:

Building Controls and BEMS Installer of the Year: Awarded in recognition of the building controls and/or Building Energy Management System (BEMS) installer which demonstrates professionalism, commitment and understanding of the needs of clients.

Engineer of the Year: This award is open to individuals working for controls installers, manufacturers, consulting engineers or FM companies who best demonstrate engineering excellence in controls and BEMS.

Young Engineer of the Year: Awarded to the individual aged 35 years or under who best demonstrates the achievements gained through successful participation in the BCIA Technical Training Programme and other building controls educational programmes.

Energy Management Award: Awarded to a manufacturer, installer or team in recognition of a project which demonstrates how building controls and/or BEMS have been applied to increase energy efficiency in a building or building complex.

Best Service & Maintenance Provider: Awarded to the company which best demonstrates outstanding levels of customer care in the provision of long-term service and maintenance contracts for Building Energy Management Systems (BEMS) and building controls.

Technical Innovation of the Year – Products: Awarded to the most innovative building controls/BEMS product development introduced in the last 12 months. Entries must detail what aspects of the product are innovative.

Technical Innovation of the Year – Projects: Awarded to the project installer/team which demonstrates innovative thinking on the installation or service/maintenance of building controls or BEMS. The project must have been delivered in the last 12 months.

Contribution to Training Award: Awarded to the individual, company or organisation that has contributed to training on the installation, design and/or use of building controls and BEMS. This can include training for controls professionals, clients, end-users or apprentices.

Smart Buildings Award: Awarded to a manufacturer, installer or team in recognition of a project which demonstrates how smart technology has been used to enhance the user experience in a building or building complex.

Terry Sharp, President of the BCIA, says: “The 2020 Awards were a little different as they had to take place online. That said, the way all of the entrants got into the spirit of it on the night virtually this year demonstrates the high esteem in which the Awards are held by the industry. The excitement of being in the running for a prize, never mind winning one, is enough to create an amazing buzz for the occasion.”

Terry concludes: “The entries just seem to get better each year and I am really hopeful that we can all be together again in May to celebrate the finest our industry has to offer.”

Next: UKCA update for cable stockists and distributors
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