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Breakthrough Construction 2014 Conference promises to be biggest yet

‘We are already at about 28 per cent of our last year’s total and we have only just opened up the priority reservations,’ said Barry Ashmore, StreetwiseSubbie’s managing director.

Last year’s conference and rally ‘Specialist Contracting In Britain Is Broken – What Can We Do To Fix It?’ was a sell-out event, drawing crowds from all over the UK and even having one delegate flying all the way from Jersey to be a part of the day. It saw the launch of StreetwiseSubbie’s Fair Treatment Charter, designed to be a simple and easy to implement solution to the payment and unfair treatment issues faced every day by specialist contractors.

This year ‘Breakthrough Construction 2014’ aims to tackle the lasting damage left behind after a traumatic five years of recession which saw the more unscrupulous Main Contractors causing the downfall of more than 5,500 UK specialist contractors. The main theme of the conference will be about enabling specialist contractors to achieve some significant break throughs in their business, and as an industry.

Ashmore, who is one of the speakers at the event, said, ‘The benefits of the growth that is being reported in the media is not reaching many of the specialist contractors despite their role in making growth happen! The more unscrupulous main contractors won’t change any of their “subby bashing” ways and we want to ensure that all specialist contractors equipped with the knowledge and expertise to grow their business.’

Ashmore has long since been leading the fight against the culture of ‘subby bashing’, but he says that this culture has been engrained in the latest generation of main contractors and quantity surveyors.

‘There is little sign of an end to the age old tricks that unscrupulous contractors use to boost their own profit margins in an industry culture that has allowed main contractors to prosper at the expense of their supply chains. We want to empower specialist contractors to take control of the future of their own businesses!’ he said.

The conference will be held once again at the Belfry Hotel in Nottingham on 10th June 2014 and it promises to be both an entertaining and enlightening event, jam packed with more information, speakers and buzz than ever before.

For details of what will be covered on the day, and for more information on priority reservation at this exclusive event, visit:

You can also follow @StreetwiseSubbi on Twitter for updates on the conference and the speakers in the lead up to the event.

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