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CEDIA gains ECS recognition for the industry

This ECS (Electrotechnical Certification Scheme) recognition will help residential custom installers gain access to construction sites as they will now be able to hold the industry required proof of identification, competence and qualification levels.

‘CEDIA is delighted to have worked with the JIB and others to achieve recognition for a specific ECS category of Home Technology Integrators and be recognised as an official Health and Safety accreditation centre for the scheme,’ commented Wendy Griffiths, executive director at CEDIA. ‘An ECS card plays a critical role for anyone involved in electrotechnical work, seeking to gain entry to a construction site. Without one, it can be a slow, painful and sometimes impossible task for custom installation professionals to access a working project at the times that they need to. Also, if a breach of health and safety occurs on a site involving an installer, then it could open up the company to legal action and punitive costs.’

Griffiths added, ‘The new ECS card solves these problems for custom installers. It’s the sole ID and competence card scheme for anyone working in the electrotechnical field in the UK, and is recognised and endorsed by the construction industry. This is a significant step forward for our industry. It will help and protect businesses in their day-to-day work, at the same time as bringing wider awareness and credibility for our profession.’  

An ECS card will allow installers to prove their identity, qualified status and occupation when working on site.

Talking about the new Home Technology Integrator ECS Related Discipline card, David Thomas, ECS strategic development manager, said, ‘The JIB is pleased to work in partnership with CEDIA to recognise the work of consumer technology integrators within the Electrotechnical Certification Scheme. The card will be issued by the JIB to applicants who have successfully completed the CEDIA EST2 training course and the ECS Health and Safety Assessment.’

To coincide with the new accreditation, CEDIA is launching a new, one day Health and Safety Assessment course. Designed to help installers understand the site competency skills required, this course will provide clear guidance and template documentation to protect installers, their business and company employees on site. At the end of the course, delegates who do not hold a valid H&S assessment may choose to sit the ECS examination. Anyone with a valid ECS health and safety assessment and a valid CEDIA EST2 certification will then be entitled to the new ECS Home Technology Integrator card available through CEDIA. This special course will take place on 30th April, 28th May, 18th June and 23rd July at CEDIA’s St. Neots Training Centre.

To support the training course, CEDIA has developed a new document which is free to members and non-members.  ‘Health & Safety Guidelines – Your Corporate Responsibility’ will be available to download from the CEDIA website towards the end of April.

This year, CEDIA members received a free education voucher when they joined or renewed their membership. This voucher can be redeemed against the Health and Safety Assessment course. To book a place on the training course visit:

Next: ECA responds to launch of construction fair payment charter
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