This year’s Big SleepOut will take place on Friday 25th November in the grounds of Birmingham Cathedral and despite the rain at last year’s event, CEF has signed up again in even greater numbers to help prevent youth homelessness and ensure young people can move on with their lives.
Charlie Beddows, managing director of CEF, said, ‘Last year was the first time that CEF took part in the Big SleepOut and thanks to the kind donations of friends, family, colleagues and industry supporters we managed to raise £24,000. This year we want to exceed that amount and we’re hoping that everyone will once again dig deep for this worthy cause.’
Every year St Basil’s helps over 4,000 people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of being made homeless – often through no fault of their own. The charity provides help and support services which allows these young people to regain the stability they need to rebuild their lives and look forward to a brighter future. In addition, the charity provides housing to over 1,200 people in their 29 supported accommodation schemes.
Not many people would choose to spend a cold November night outside, but for many young people this is the harsh reality of their life and it is only through the support of St Basil’s that they can begin to see a more optimistic future ahead of them.
‘As an industry we can all do our bit, so why not join the CEF team and sleep rough for charity or simply sponsor us to do it on your behalf – every penny that we raise will help to change the lives of homeless young people.’
The CEF team are already busy preparing for their night outdoors – not only the challenge of a cold night on the streets, but also to create the best cardboard accommodation which last year saw them take a Highly Commended award for their CEF branch and van.
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