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C.K Magma Hit Squad is on the road

C.K Magma Hit Squad is on the road

The C.K Magma Hit Squad has been visiting construction sites and trade counters across the country promoting its range of premium storage and PPE equipment they were promoting.


Kicking off in the North West at the beginning on the month, the Hit Squad then made its way to the Midlands and the South East, showcasing the C.K Magma range, collecting compliments – and a few hearts – along the way.

The C.K Magma Hit Squad also handed out freebies and promotional dog tags. Tradesmen simply have to visit and register their unique dog tag code to be in with a one in five chance of winning various C.K Magma prizes.

C. K Magma’s new product development manager, Charles Whitfield said of the tour, ‘We wanted to do something quite different to reflect the premium nature of the range so after much discussion and planning, the C.K Magma Hit Squad was born. We put a lot of work into picking the right locations, ensuring a good mix of construction sites and trade counters.

‘It was fantastic to have so much face-to-face interaction with our end users. Although we work with a dedicated group of professional tradesmen to develop all our products, it’s rare we have access to the thousands of workers we have met with during our visits– we may have even picked up some handy insights for future products.’

If you missed the Hit Squad visits, you can still enter online at and potentially win something from the product range.

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