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Colleagues raise thousands in memory of Caroline

Colleagues raise thousands in memory of Caroline

Generous staff at Marshall-Tufflex have raised more than £3,000 to help fulfil one of the final wishes of a much loved colleague who passed away in September.

Employees at the East Sussex manufacturer collected cash, held raffles, ‘Mufti’ and bake days, with one even running the Beachy Head marathon in memory of Caroline Woodhams, a valued member of the firm’s marketing team. The fund was further boosted by a donation from Caroline’s husband Terry and also from Marshall-Tufflex.

It was while Caroline was being treated for pancreatic cancer at the Conquest Hospital that she spoke about fundraising to buy more portable syringe drivers for use by patients. These pieces of equipment allow medicines to be administered continuously but are small enough to fit into a pocket or bag, allowing patients to remain mobile and use them at home if required. Caroline found them a lifeline during her treatment but was aware that not enough were available for all patients to make use of.

Caroline lost her fight for life before embarking upon her fundraising project – and that’s where her colleagues and husband stepped in and managed to raise a magnificent £3,000 to fulfil her wish. The money has been split between St Michael’s Hospice, Hastings, and the McCartney unit at the town’s Conquest Hospital for the purchase of portable syringe drivers.

Pictured at the presentation: Marshall-Tufflex receptionist Teresa Plass (right) with representatives of St Michael’s Hospice and Hasting’s Conquest Hospital, other Marshall-Tufflex employees and Caroline’s husband Terry Woodhams.

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