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ECA announces new company President

ECA announces new company President

The new President of ECA, the UK’s leading engineering services trade association, is business leader and electrical engineer, Stuart Smith.

Stuart started as an apprentice electrician in 1986 on a CITB training scheme, started his own business in 1997, and became a Director of Stromtechs in 2007.

Since joining ECA, Stuart has been Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Thames Valley Branch; Thames Valley Branch representative at the Central South REC for at least five years, and Central South representative on the ECA Council since May 2019.

Stuart takes over the ECA Presidency from Sean Smyth. During the last 12 months, Sean played a critical role in guiding ECA as it supported its Members to grow and prosper.

The full ECA Presidential team for 2024/25 is as follows:

President – Stuart Smith

Senior Vice President – Ruth Devine

Vice President – Glenn Grant

Immediate Past President – Sean Smyth

The new ECA Presidential team was confirmed on 8 May 2024.

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