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ECA members meet Michael Fallon MP


During the meeting, the delegation discussed prompt payment and retentions and highlighted the impact that both have had on businesses and the industry.

‘These issues have blighted businesses in this industry fr too long now,’ said Kevin Bush, ECA regional manager for the South East. ‘It is unacceptable for businesses to have to wait beyond a fair date to receive payment for a job or project, or have to become part of a practice like payment retentions – particularly when the option of Project Bank Accounts is there. We’re extremely grateful to Mr. Fallon for taking the time to discuss these issues with us and to understand why we and our members feel so passionately about the need for government to take urgent action to ensure fair and prompt payment.’

Michael Fallon MP said, ‘It was a pleasure to discuss late payments and retentions with the ECA. These issues are needlessly holding back businesses from expanding and recruiting. The government is actively looking at this area and experienced representatives like the ECA have an important role to play in the process.’

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