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Enfield Homes upgrades fire safety with Aico RadioLink

Enfield Homes upgrades fire safety with Aico RadioLink

Enfield Homes has made the decision to upgrade selected properties with Aico smoke and heat alarms wirelessly interconnected using Aico’s RadioLink Professional system.

Although the Arm’s Length Management Organisation (ALMO) has been using Aico alarms for over 10 years, this is the first time it has used a Radio Frequency (RF) system to interconnect alarms.

RadioLink works by allowing smoke and heat alarms to be wirelessly interconnected by means of RF signals. If one alarm on the system is triggered, an RF signal will be sent out to cause every other alarm linked to it in the property to sound. The key advantages of such a system are that it avoids the cost of the interconnect cabling between the alarms, the redecorating required (or the ugly trunking) and is very quick to undertake – good for landlords and tenants alike.

RadioLink was recommended to Enfield Homes by consultants David Miles & Partners.

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