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ESC Product Safety conference 2011

ESC Product Safety conference 2011

The Electrical Safety Council (ESC) has just released initial details of its second Product Safety conference, which will be held at Church House Conference Centre in Westminster, London, on 26th October.

With the timely theme of ‘Market Surveillance – Overcoming cutbacks through a combined approach’, the conference provides an ideal opportunity for product safety professionals and interested stakeholders to network and hear up to the minute news and views from industry leaders.

‘Recent developments, particularly public spending cuts and the impact of the EU’s New Legislative Framework – which, amongst other things, requires Member states to implement stronger accreditation and market surveillance systems – have all had an impact on the product safety community,’ explained Martyn Allen, ESC’s head of technical development. ‘Now, more than ever, we need to collaborate and combine expertise and resources to ensure only safe electrical products can gain entry to the UK. Our Product Safety conference promises to provide definitive views on this subject, as well as ideas for working creatively on a tight budget.’

The programme for the conference will include:

· ‘Initiatives in Market Surveillance’ – a review of the priorities for the UK

· ‘The Safety of Imported Goods’ – how manufacturers are working with UK Customs and Border Authorities to increase seizures of counterfeit and unsafe goods

· ‘Local Enforcement: creative responses to budget reductions’ – how are public spending cuts affecting local enforcement and what are the innovative approaches being developed to cope with reduced budgets.

· ‘Product Testing and Third-party Certification ‘– is it time to call for third-party certification for high-risk electrical products? Views from manufacturer, retailer, regulator and consumer groups.

· ‘Sub-Standard Products: the Consequences’ –  case study examples and the challenges for Fire and Rescue Officers

· ‘Consumer Protection’ – how the ESC promotes product safety.

For further information – and to book your place – please visit


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