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Fees frozen for NICEIC registered contractors

Fees frozen for NICEIC registered contractors

In a move that will be welcomed by its 26,000 registered contractors, NICEIC has announced it is freezing all registration fees from April 2012 through to April 2013.

The price freeze is the fourth in five years and comes at a time when contractors are facing tough economic challenges.

‘NICEIC has made this decision in recognition of our customers’ continued support and the business pressures every one of our contractors face,’ commented Emma McCarthy, CEO, NICEIC.

‘We want to assure our customers that NICEIC is here to help build their businesses. Registration with NICEIC marks you out as the best and we provide a range of other services to help our customers at work.’

Contractors registered with NICEIC can also access a range of business critical support services, including technical advice; industry recognised training, industry literature and contractor insurance.

All surpluses from NICEIC fees are passed to the Electrical Safety Council so the charity can carry out its work promoting registered electrical contractors and the importance of electrical safety.

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