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GlassGuard announces sponsorship of local youth football team

Scole United FC, based in south Norfolk, has 18 teams with age groups ranging from Under 7 through to Veterans. The football club takes great pride in its motto: providing local football for the local community. In 2013, the football club received the FA Charter Standard Community Club of the Year Award for the Norfolk region.

Ian Constance, child welfare officer at Scole United said, ‘We would like to thank GlassGuard for their amazing support. Their sponsorship has helped the club purchase much needed new football strips for the youngsters who were absolutely delighted when they wore it for the first time.’

Stewart Damonsing of GlassGuard commented, ‘Our achievements as an international business was recently recognised at the EDP Business Awards, but it was important for us not to forget our local community and to continue supporting that community in the best way that we can. Supporting young talent from the local community is especially rewarding for us. We wish them luck for the rest of the season.’

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