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Hager Survey Reveals Key Influencers For Lighting Control Market

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Hager, in conjunction with Electrical Review, has conducted a survey of electrical industry professionals, looking at issues driving the lighting control market. The survey has revealed a number of key findings.

These include:

Opinion was also sought around what the industry thought to be the most important factors for a client looking to commission a lighting project. These were highlighted as the length of time it took for a project to complete and the cost of skilled labour.

Government initiatives in support of improved energy efficiency performance and the impact of BREEAM (a sustainability assessment method) were also cited as important factors, though there were low levels of awareness associated with other schemes such as EPBD (Energy Performance of Building Directive) and ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme). A supplier’s sustainability policy was also placed down the list of priorities when clients looked to select a partner on projects.

Finally, the ‘Internet of Things’ was highlighted as a key driver for future industry and product development. While connectivity and data access solutions are set to play increasingly influential roles to help optimise system performance, according to respondents.

Ian Smith, marketing manager for Hager comments, “With commissioning of lighting now an integral part of requirements for new buildings and major refurbishments, it was perhaps no surprise to see this cited as an important aspect when it comes to fully realising the potential of any lighting system.”

Ian continues, “However, looking ahead the growing influence of connectivity and data management is also beginning to find real traction and will affect all parts of the supply chain from installers and design consultants through to system solution manufacturers.”

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