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Households To Save Billions Following Halogen Lamp Ban

UK households could be wasting up to £2.4 billion per year on halogen light bulbs, according to ECA. The findings come as an EU ban on producing energy intensive halogen bulbs for sale and import entered into force on September 1.

Overall, if each UK household replaced 10 halogen bulbs (the average number per household) with LEDs, they could save up to £90 per year. Across all UK households (an estimated 27 million), this would mean annual savings to consumers of up to £2.4 billion.

ECA recommends that consumers and businesses switch from existing halogen light bulbs to energy efficient LEDs as soon as possible, rather than simply waiting for them to fail. Although more expensive to buy, modern LEDs are around five times more energy efficient and offer around ten times the working life of halogen bulbs, leading to significant lifetime savings for customers.

ECA director of business Paul Reeve said, “Although the up-front cost is higher, moving over to LEDs saves customers money because LEDs use significantly less energy, and they tend to last much longer. That’s good news for homes and businesses but LEDs also help the environment by using less energy and generating less waste because they last so much longer.”

Although most LED bulbs will be compatible with the same fittings as halogen bulbs, it will not be a like-for-like swap in all cases. As a result, ECA offers the following tips:

On September 1 2018, a ban on producing halogen bulbs (with certain exceptions) came into effect across the EU, as part of efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Shops and distributors can sell current stocks under the new rules.


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