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Industry leader says electrical contractors in pole position to deliver on Low Carbon Construction Innovation Report

ECA CEO Steve Bratt

Industry leader says electrical contractors in pole position to deliver on Low Carbon Construction Innovation Report

The Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA) Group CEO Steve Bratt says electrical contractors are ready and able to help the government deliver on its response to the Low Carbon Construction Innovation and Growth Team Report.

The government said as part of its response that it should encourage supply chain collaboration to cut costs. Bratt said, ‘It is vital that specialist contractors are involved at the early stage of projects to ensure designs are practical, efficient and economical over the whole lifetime of a building. Specialist contractors are also invaluable when looking to cut ongoing maintenance and aftercare costs.’

He continued, ‘The government has commissioned work to generate more realistic building performance modelling, so we can plan better buildings in the future. ECA members are the frontline troops in delivering more efficient and sustainable buildings. They have the practical know how and are best placed to help clients identify the right mix of energy saving measures.’

Bratt also welcomed the government’s move to boost energy efficiency with its planned ‘Green Deal’ but warns that it needs to go beyond legislating in the private rental sector and financing retrofits for low income housing if there is to be a national uptake of the scheme. Bratt said, ‘The government should also provide a stamp duty rebate and a council tax reduction for occupiers and landlords that become involved significantly in the scheme.’ He added, ‘We have already seen that if the finances add up, people get involved in energy saving and carbon reduction measures. Marginal price signals may look good to policy makers but they do not modify energy users’ behaviour.’

Next: ECA Q1 survey predicts declining confidence for rest of the year
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