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ECS Registered Electricians – Have You Signed Up Yet?

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The Joint Industry Board (JIB) talks about the progress of the ECS Registered Electrician Card since its launch, and the benefits it offers both individual electricians and employers.

Over 6,000 ECS cardholders are now ECS Registered Electricians, following the launch of the new status.

Operated via the ECS card scheme, the new status is available to all ECS Installation and Maintenance Electrician cardholders in Northern Ireland, England and Wales who are qualified in the current (17th) edition of the BS7671 Wiring Regulations.

It has been introduced by the JIB to raise standards across the industry and recognise electricians who are qualified to NVQ Level 3 and the current British Standard for electrical installation.

For a cardholder, becoming a Registered Electrician means they can get a well-deserved endorsement for their professionalism and skills, stand out amongst their peers and get a valuable boost to their status and credibility across the industry.

For electrical contractors, it’s an opportunity to demonstrate that their electrical workforce is up-to-date on the latest industry technology developments and is committed to maintaining this level of professionalism.

Mike Smith (l) and Kevin Snowdon (r) with their ECS Registered Electrician cards. Photographs by Rob Cook.

Two prominent members of the electrical industry were among the first to sign up for the new ECS Registered Electrician status.

ECA President and bid director at SES Engineering, Mike Smith, and Kevin Snowdon, owner of NES Electrical, applied for the new cards after meeting the criteria and agreeing to the Code of Professional Practice.

On receiving his card, Kevin Snowdon said, “The Registered Electrician status recently introduced by the JIB means the electrotechnical industry will now benefit from knowing they have employed a qualified electrician for all of their electrical requirements.

“Supported by all of the industry leaders, but in its voluntary stage at the moment, I hope one day this will be a mandatory requirement similar to the government-approved GasSafe scheme. At NES Electrical, it is a worthy addition to an already highly regarded card.”

Mike Smith added, “The ECS Registered Electrician card is a new, exciting development that’s all about the individual electrician and not about company competency or certification. For the electrician, it recognises his or her achievements and qualifications and their commitment to ongoing professional development. For employers and clients, they can see at a glance the electrical and safety qualifications of an individual.

“In the long term, I hope this voluntary scheme is widely taken up, so that as an industry we regain the recognition and reputation we deserve throughout construction and engineering for being highly trained and safe working tradesmen.”

To find out more about ECS Registered Electrician visit

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