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JTL opens new electrical apprenticeship training centre in Eastbourne

JTL opens new electrical apprenticeship training centre in

JTL opened its new training centre in Eastbourne on Thursday 8 February, attended by the Mayor of Eastbourne, Councillor Candy Vaughan.

The opening of JTL’s 13th centre took place during National Apprenticeship Week (5-11 February), which celebrates the positive impact that apprenticeship qualifications have on local communities, employers and the industries they operate.

Located at Highfield Industrial Estate, the centre will provide electrical apprenticeship training to help meet the growing demand for these skills in the local area. This expansion aligns with JTL’s commitment to meeting the evolving needs of the electrical industry and facilitating the development of skilled professionals across England and Wales.

During the opening event, Councillor Candy Vaughan was accompanied by JTL’s Chief Executive, Chris Claydon, to explore the modern facilities of the new training hub and to meet the wider team, along with some JTL apprentices.

The spotlight on JTL’s newest training centre serves as evidence for the transformative potential of apprenticeships in shaping the future of the building services engineering industry and the wider upskilling of the UK’s workforce.

Chris Claydon, Chief Executive at JTL, says, “Our Eastbourne centre represents a crucial step forward in our mission to bridge the existing skills gap and support the growth of the building services engineering industry through our training.

“National Apprenticeship Week has provided a very fitting backdrop for us to unveil our latest training centre and serves as an important platform to champion the positive influence that apprenticeship qualifications have.”

Councillor Vaughan says, “It was a privilege to be invited to the opening of JTL’s training centre in Eastbourne. I am thoroughly looking forward to the wide range of opportunities that this will bring to our local community and the positive impact it will have on upskilling both individuals and Eastbourne businesses.”

To read more on JTL, click here.

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