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Markel Direct launches search for The Nation’s A* Apprentice

Markel Direct launches search for The Nation’s A* Apprentice

Markel Direct has announced the launch of The Nation’s A* Apprentice award to mark the start of National Apprenticeship Week 2024. 


The award aims to celebrate the outstanding work skilled trades apprentices all over the UK are doing within their workplace whilst highlighting the important role apprentices will play in the future of the trades and construction industry. 


To enter for the award, the UK public will be given the opportunity to nominate an apprentice they believe to be ‘The Nation’s A* Apprentice’. Nominations will be judged against a range of criteria, by a panel of judges, made up of industry experts, who will be looking for three apprentices who have gone above and beyond their general role, clearly demonstrating what it means to be a team player and have overcome any personal challenges to create a positive impact in their role as an apprentice. 


Nominations are open until 23 February and can be submitted here.


The winners will receive a development package worth up to £5,000, consisting of:

· A Festool toolkit and accessories worth £4,000

· 24-hour tools cover for a year from Markel Direct

· £750 to spend on TuffStuff workwear


Following the nomination stage, a judging panel of Rob Rees, Divisional Director of Markel Direct, Louis Timpany, CEO and Founder of Fix Radio, and James Wilson, Marketing Manager at Festool, will assess a shortlist of finalists and select three winners to receive The Nation’s A* Apprentice award. The winners will be announced in the week commencing 18 March 2024.


Speaking about the competition, Rob says, “As we celebrate National Apprenticeship Week, we are excited to launch this award to promote the outstanding work apprentices are doing within the UK trades and construction industry. In light of the current skills crisis within the UK trades sector, it’s crucial that we highlight the importance of apprenticeships and the pivotal role they’ll play in moving the industry forward in the coming years”. 


The competition is open to all residents of the UK, the Channel Islands and The Isle of Man, and must be 18 or over at the time of entry. 


To read more on Markel Direct, click here.

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