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What’s In-Store For ECN?

You might have noticed a few changes here at ECN over the last few months – and it’s a trend that’s set to continue over the coming year. We’re looking to the future as we continue our quest to remain the magazine you need, covering the most relevant, informative, and thought-provoking articles for the electrical contracting industry.

After some consideration, we’ve recently switched from ABC to a new BPA audited circulation, so keep your eyes peeled for updates on this. We’re also prepared for the dawn of the dreaded GDPR, having outsourced our data to a global data management company. With their expert advice, ECN is set to stay well ahead of the GDPR requirements and ensure compliance with any upcoming changes in data regulation.

In our effort to make sure we’re giving you the magazine you want and need, we will also be introducing an ECN editorial panel made up of external experts from the industry, to ensure we’re providing the right content and covering the subjects relevant to the industry.

Finally, and perhaps most exciting of all, ECN can now announce its place as a sponsor for the Electrical Industries Charity’s annual Powerball. We have always been great supporters of the charity’s important role in advocating for the most vulnerable members of the sector, and the Powerball raises thousands of pounds every year for the charity’s good work. So expect updates on the charity’s money-raising ventures from us, and make sure you book your tickets to the ball, which no doubt will be an amazing night for one and all.

So watch this space – but in the meantime, don’t hesitate to drop us a line to tell us what you want to see from the magazine. We’re here to provide a platform for industry experts to spark conversation, innovation and change, and we want to give you the opportunity to have your say. Send any comments, letters, articles synopses or queries to

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