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JIB to support multi-billion investment programme in the North West

The Atlantic Gateway is a major private/public sector initiative in the North West of England aimed at delivering large scale investment in the region with the ultimate objective of rebalancing the UK economy’s current dependence on London and the South East. With the expansion of Liverpool, Salford, and Warrington Ports, Liverpool and Manchester Airport expansions and the Mersey Gateway Bridge just some of the large scale projects planned for the region, the work in the Atlantic Gateway area will involved around £14bn of investment and is expected to create some 140,000 new jobs over the period to 2030.

The need for high quality contractors and a workforce to deliver these projects is a key priority for the Atlantic Gateway. Further discussions will now take place between the JIB and the Atlantic Gateway to identify how the JIB can support its objectives.

‘We’re delighted to be working with a client that wants to support high standards in contracting and employment,’ said Paul Corby, JIB Chairman. ‘The regional development planned for the North West will not also provide an injection into the local economy, but also more widely. We look forward to working with our partners at Atlantic Gateway to show how JIB members can provide the skills, competence and quality that these exciting projects demand.’

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