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Marshall-Tufflex seminar puts buzz into energy savings at Electric Event

Jeremy Dodge, head of marketing and technical services at the UK manufacturer, will present the ‘Reduce energy costs, build customer loyalty’ seminar, looking at the importance of understanding a client’s energy profile and selecting the right energy saving solution.

‘Both the Department of Energy and Climate Change and the National Grid are advising that energy prices will continue to rise for the next decade at least,’ said Mr Dodge. ‘It therefore makes sense for electrical contractors, from sole traders to nationwide providers, to consider how they can help customers save money by reducing energy use and, for commercial clients, implement an energy management strategy. From experience we know that contractors taking the initiative in this way also benefit from greater customer loyalty. We will be exploring this approach and discussing opportunities during the workshop.’

The workshop is scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday 29th May. For free tickets to The Electric Event exhibition and workshops on that day, visit click on ‘Register’ and quote ‘MTF001’ on the form.

The Electric Event combines the ECA Electrical Industry Conference plus an exhibition and awards night. Marshall-Tufflex, which is sponsoring the three day event, will be exhibiting a number of energy management and cable management systems on Stand 20/21. Expect to see on stand a working demonstration of its domestic voltage optimisation system Voltis Home plus Domestic and Commercial Boiler Management systems, the Sinergy e-Tracker submeter system and commercial/industrial Power Factor Correction units.

Next: ABB multi-standard rapid EV chargers coming to Northumberland
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