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Martindale donates HandyPAT 500 to Southwark Sea Cadets

Martindale donates HandyPAT 500 to Southwark Sea Cadets

Martindale Electric has donated a HandyPAT 500 PAT tester to the Southwark Sea Cadets.

The Sea Cadets Corps is a national youth organisation which aims to help young people towards responsible adulthood by encouraging valuable personal attributes and high standards of conduct using a nautical theme based on the customs of the Royal Navy.

Each individual Sea Cadet Unit is an independent charity, which must adhere to all aspects of Health and Safety including portable appliance testing.

With this mind, Martindale Electric was pleased to donate a HandyPAT 500, which has been designed to perform safety checks in accordance with the IEE Code of Practice (Third Edition).

‘Martindale’s generous support will not only help Southwark Sea Cadets but also a number of other local units,’ said David Bradbury, Southwark Sea Cadets HQ.

‘We are impressed, having found the unit simple to use whilst providing a fully comprehensive service for our needs.’

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