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Megaman helps electricians and designers get ready for the halogen ban with the launch of a new website

With halogen directional lamps being phased out across Europe from September 2016, the new website is designed to help electricians communicate the changes to customers and to give lighting designers an overview of the incredible benefits of the latest LEDs.   

Fred Bass, managing director of Neonlite International, the brand owner of Megaman, commented, ‘It is a common misconception that the ban on directional lamps has been delayed until 2018, this is not the case and the whole reason for our #planfortheban website information on There are two EU directives (244/2009) for non-directional halogens and the last phase of this one was delayed to 2018 BUT the other EU directive (1194/2012) for directional lamps was not delayed and the next phase of this ban applies from this September 2016. This means many common halogen reflector lamps will be banned from this year.’ offers advice for electricians and lighting designers to help them prepare to educate their customers about the benefits of LEDs compared to halogens. A brochure for end users explaining how LEDs can save them money, energy and reduce CO2 is available to download. There is lots of information and it is quick and easy to navigate and can help specifiers work out savings for their customers too.


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