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Megaman lamps fitted in London restaurant

Caravan is a coffee roastery, restaurant and bar open seven days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner and situated in a beautifully restored Victorian grain store in the heart of London’s King’s Cross. The building has a wealth of exposed brickwork with steel tubing suspended from the ceiling to provide an edgy, industrial vibe and it forms part of the newly refurbished Granary Square complex of restaurants.

Martin Williams of worked closely with the restaurant to conduct an energy survey of the building. His brief was to suggest alternative lamps of the same size as the old halogen lamps that fit into the existing fittings whilst reducing running costs. Another requirement specified by the restaurant was excellent dimming capabilities to enable the overall ambience could be changed for the evening covers. Following a review of available lamps on the market, it was agreed that Megaman’s 6W LED GU10s in a warm white would fit the bill perfectly.

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