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Megger Assist Surrey Fire And Rescue Service

Portable test equipment expert Megger UK has recently provided Surrey Fire and Rescue Service with two instruments to help detect electrical problems before they become dangerous and potentially lead to fires. The instruments, a PAT150R portable appliance tester and an AVO210 multimeter, were needed by the service particularly to help with its work in protecting vulnerable adults and children from domestic hazards.

Watch Commander Paul Risbridger got in touch with Megger to ask for support and advice on what would be the most suitable equipment to support the busy day-to-day activities of the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service based out of Reigate.

The PAT150 hand-held tester offers mains-powered leakage testing as well as live-circuit measurement for testing the mains supply, verifying socket polarity and measuring voltages up to 300 V ac. When necessary, users can quickly and easily adjust test group pass limits and test durations to suit special requirements and the resistance of the bonding leads can be nulled to minimise measurement errors.

The AVO210 multimeter from Megger provides facilities for measuring AC and DC voltage and currents as well as resistance, frequency and capacitance. It also has a continuity function with a fast-reaction sounder, and a non-contact voltage-sensing feature that is invaluable when tracing cable runs.

Both the PAT150R and the AVO210 benefit from simple, intuitive user interfaces that make constant reference to the user guide unnecessary.

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