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Metway celebrates employee’s 50 years of service

Metway celebrates employee’s 50 years of service

Metway is celebrating Peter Dilloway having completed 50 years of service with the company.

A lunchtime party to mark his retirement will take place at Metway’s offices on Tuesday 24th May and will be attended by all current and some retired staff as well as representatives from Metway’s key supplier who will be coming from Germany especially to wish Peter well.

Peter joined Metway in 1961 at the age of 16 having previously worked for a heating and ventilation company for 12 months. He began in the office looking after the stock control book, earning a massive £4.50 for a five and a half day week! Peter’s contribution in this key area has been exceptional and led to him being put in charge of the company’s extensive and
sophisticated stock control system. He retires on the 27th of May for a well deserved rest.

Metway director, Jonathan Vening, said, ‘My grandfather started the business in 1937 and Peter is the only person left in the business who worked with him. In fact, Peter has worked with three generations of the family and has seen out three managing directors!

‘The family ethos is strong at Metway and we like to consider all of our people as part of the wider Metway family. Many of our people have worked with us for more than 25 years and our loyal staff make a massive contribution to the ongoing business. Peter will be missed by all his friends at Metway.’

Asked what he plans to do in his retirement, Peter said, ‘I’ve never planned anything in my life and don’t intend to start now.’


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