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Napit’s guide on initial verification and period inspection and testing

Napit has announced the release of a brand new publication, a guide on Initial Verification and Periodic Inspection and Testing of Electrical Installations.

The guide has been developed by Napit’s technical experts to cover ‘everything you need to carry out initial verification and periodic inspection’, including the tests and production of the relevant certificates or report.

The book explains the variety of different test equipment available, what each is used for, and how to carry out all of the required BS 7671 tests.

The contents include:

Napit’s Chief Technical Officer, Frank Bertie says “We are the National Association for Professional Inspectors and Testers in the UK, with inspection and testing of electrical installations at our core since 1992. We have used our wealth of experience and knowledge in this specialist and notoriously difficult area to produce a publication specific to Inspectors and Testers’ needs.”

NAPIT members can pre-order a copy for just £17.99 and non-members £19.99.

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