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BEAMA Net Zero Carbon Homes Series, powered by elemental

Homes series

A row of new terraced houses with blue sky

BEAMA have announced the details of a webinar series on Zero Carbon Homes powered by elemental talks that will run in October.

BEAMA is to present three weeks of digital events, all relating to BEAMA’s series of white papers relating to our Net Zero Campaign.

Titled ‘BEAMA Zero Carbon Homes webinar series- powered by elemental’, there will be seven talks in total and the topics covered will include:

“BEAMA is thrilled to partner with elemental to deliver this valuable series of elemental talks in October,” comments Charlie May, Marketing Manager for BEAMA. “Our members’ products ensure low carbon energy and environmental services are delivered safely and sustainably, and we see these talks as an extension of that ethos, providing added value for our audience.”

elemental’s Director Michael Costain says: “elemental is delighted to be working again with BEAMA. As the two organisations are keen to progress discussions around the subject of net zero, the partnership makes sense.”

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