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New manuals for solar installers

The manuals support the delivery of the QCF Level 3 awards in these disciplines, but are also available as standalone documents, useful for anyone looking to increase their knowledge in these areas; either during training, prior to upskilling or as reference material while at work.

There are two manuals available for each technology: Installation & Commissioning and Servicing & Maintenance. Focusing on domestic systems, these comprehensive documents join other Skills Academy products that include a guide to tendering, support on completing pre-qualification questionnaires and an Introduction to Environmental Technologies, all of which are aimed at helping businesses take advantage of low carbon business opportunities.

The two solar technologies have long been the most popular choices, with solar thermal set to get a certain boost with the introduction of the impending Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) for domestic applications and extension of the Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP),’ said Cathryn Hickey, executive director of the Skills Academy. ‘Training should not end in the classroom and these guides will help installers maintain their knowledge, acting as useful reference material while in the workplace.’

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