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News – EEIBA

Fishing for the EEIBA

Anyone that enjoys fishing or just wants to try something new is being encouraged to take part in the sport to raise money for industry charity EEIBA.


A fishing day has been organised by the Midlands branch of the charity on Friday 15 April at Woodland View Fisheries, Hay Lane, Droitwich. The event starts at 7.30am where competitors can indulge in a full English breakfast before the hard work begins.


Participants are split into four groups and each allocated a pool to fish in from 10am until 3pm. At the end of the competition prizes are awarded for the heaviest weight fish caught on the day. Refreshments are provided during the presentations and the event finishes around 4pm.

Organiser Mark Wiltshire said, ‘We had a great turnout at our last event of 66 competitors, so we are hoping to get even more people involved this time. The day is a lot of fun with a healthy bit of competition, and is a great chance to show off your fishing skills.’

Participants need to bring their own fishing equipment.

To book a place contact Mark on 07801 625468 or email

For information on permitted bait or directions to the fishery, visit:

For further information visit:

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