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News – Newey Online

Neweys Online offers free Elkay Carbon Calculator with every order over £60

Neweys Online has announced that every customer that places an order over £60 online will receive an Elkay Carbon Calculator for free.

Normally worth £30, the Elkay Carbon Calculator will allow customers to assess how much carbon they can save by calculating C02 emissions and energy usage, whilst also acting as a useful tool in cutting any expensive energy bills – calculating any possible savings.

In a time in which more of an onus than ever before has been placed upon becoming more energy efficient and environmentally aware, the calculator could also serve in helping the household become greener.

Features on the calculator include a blue back lit display, an auto power-off and a high level of portability – all of which is integrated into an easy to use interface.

All orders must be received by 8pm on Wednesday 13 April 2011 which is when the offer ends. Carbon Calculators will be allocated on a one calculator per customer basis and the offer is only available while stocks last and is strictly for online customers only.

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