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Innovation lab enables digital solutions for smart buildings and micro grids

Priva has launched a new innovation lab to accelerate the development and deployment of technology and software solutions that enable better, healthier buildings and smarter approaches to energy use.

From its base in De Lier, Holland, Priva Lab for Innovation (Lin) has been developed in response to the major energy challenges faced within the built environment supply chain. Together, building and construction are responsible for 39% of all carbon emissions in the world, with operational emissions (from energy used to heat, cool and light buildings) accounting for 28%.

The Lab’s growing suite of smart building technologies will also help organisations to participate in the ‘energy transition’. This will make it easier for carbon-conscious businesses and the public sector to take advantage of smarter, more flexible approaches to energy consumption. It will also enable more efficient balancing of demand from green, renewable sources.

Technology suite

The Lin Lab capitalises on sophisticated digital twin technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to bring new, data driven solutions to the smart buildings / smart energy market.

The launch portfolio is focused on two technologies:

Commenting on the launch of Priva’s Lab for Innovation Peter Vandendriessche, VP Strategy & Commerce, says: “We are extremely excited to share Priva’s Lab for Innovation with the world. We are a business that never stands still; we always look to the future. The Lin Lab will act as an important accelerator for cutting-edge technologies that will re-shape the way our customers and partners use – and resource – energy. In doing so, it will be possible to embrace the smart energy revolution and accelerate the journey to Net Zero emissions. We very much look forward to inviting you all to the Lab as soon as we are able.”

Online profile

To support the launch of Priva’s Lab for Innovation a comprehensive website has been developed which includes case studies and references of ecoGrid and ecoBuilding as well as regularly updated content on topics around energy in the built environment.

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