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Quelfire Helps Firestop Skipton Mill

Quelfire has teamed up with RA Fire Protection to create a safe, compliant residential development in Skipton.

Belle Vue Mills in Skipton, North Yorkshire, is a refurbishment project that will create 39 high quality apartments.

The main contractor at Belle Vue Mills was Triton Construction, which has its head office in Liversedge, West Yorkshire and a North West regional office in Warrington.

There were a number of challenges on this project arising from the fact that it was an original mill building requiring various penetration for services through existing walls and floors.

The walls themselves where thick stone construction, while the curved brick internal ceilings required angled penetrations that then had to be firestopped. Each of the service apertures in the building had to be correctly firestopped and Yorkshire-based RA Fire Protection decided to partner with Quelfire.

The main contractor had also recommended Quelfire because they had delivered a successful outcome for the M&E contractor during earlier phases at Belle Vue Mills.

Once RA Fire Protection had submitted the drawings and gained approval, it was then a matter of methodically working through the installation schedule on-site. With the Quelfire team on hand throughout, and verification checks incorporated into the schedule to ensure all fire stops were completed, the developer was highly confident that the completed project would meet building control requirements.

Firestopping in existing and new buildings is essential to retain fire compartmentation. It is these compartments that delay the spread of fire for a given amount of time, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety. It also ensures safe corridors for fire and rescue services to enter the building, whilst keeping a fire contained for longer delays its spread to other areas.

Fire and smoke can also spread invisibly through ducts and penetrations that aren’t adequately fire stopped, which is why a methodical approach, with rigorous, audited checks at each stage, and label tagging of each penetration, ensured a coordinated approach to the firestopping work at Belle Vue Mills.

John Afford, director at RA Fire Protection, said, “We now use Quelfire on all our sites because they have the technical expertise as well as a product range to meet all our firestopping requirements.”

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