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Schneider Electric’s VanTastic winner gets ready to charge ahead

With an onus on driving EV adoption, the innovative promotion saw all contractors who purchased a range of eligible Schneider Electric products entered into the chance to win a brand new electric Renault Kangoo ZE, as well as thousands of other runner-up prizes. Running from September through to December, upon purchase, each entrant received a scratchcard to enter the prize draw to win the much coveted top prize.

The promotion proved a resounding success, with just short of 3,000 participants, however there could only be one crowning winner; revealed to be Terry Whitehouse of Whitehouse Electrical, Birmingham. This month, Terry, an avid Schneider Electric Ultimate Installer, will prepare to charge ahead in his brand new state-of-the-art EV van, supported with Schneider Electric’s sleek and easy to use, EVlink residential charging solution.

In addition, ‘Simply VanTastic’ proved to be  win-win for Schneider Electric customers with a whopping total of 1,300 entrants also receiving instant prizes, ranging from a travel mug to brand new iPads, experience days or shopping vouchers.

Tim Barber, customer marketing manager at Schneider Electric, said, ‘On behalf of Schneider Electric, I would like to take this opportunity send a big congratulations to Terry in winning this VanTastic prize package. As a business synonymous with excellent customer service, we look forward to exploring further opportunities to reward our longstanding and loyal customers this year.’

Terry Whitehouse, of Whitehouse Electrical, said, ‘As a committed Schneider Electric Ultimate Installer, I have always specified the company’s products as I get rest assured exceptional quality, performance and innovation. As such, to win this truly fantastic prize really is just a brilliant bonus and a fantastic start to the year.’

Next: Areva and Schneider Electric sign strategic partnership agreement on energy storage
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