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Scolmore is CIBSE approved CPD course provider

Scolmore is CIBSE approved CPD course provider

Scolmore Group has announced that it has been awarded a certification of CPD course provision by CIBSE (Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers), meaning the company is now a CIBSE CPD approved training provider.

The company now features on CIBSE’s CPD Directory and the first courses to be made available cover a range of topics within circuit protection. These will include AFDDs and RCDs, as well as content covering protected escape routes. These are all hot topics in the industry at the moment and ones that Scolmore Group anticipate will be eagerly welcomed. Further courses will be added in the coming months and details will be supplied.

Candidates can access the course content either by attending in person or via digital platforms, the aim is to make the courses as easy and flexible to access as possible.

Commenting on the company’s new status, Katie Plumstead, Group Marketing Manager, Scolmore Group, says, “We are delighted to have achieved our status as an approved CIBSE CPD course provider. This provides us with an ideal platform to reach a growing number of contractors, designers and specifiers within the industry and share the extensive knowledge and expertise of the growing team at Scolmore Group to help them further their professional careers. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a long-term commitment to undertake the improvement and broadening of knowledge and skills. It is about learning and putting into practice new competencies year after year and investing in your future and we are proud to have a role to play in this.”

CIBSE is a professional membership body with over 21,000 members in 100 Countries worldwide. All members are required to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) in order that they keep up to date with the latest technical information and maintain their professional competence.

To find out more about Scolmore Group’s CIBSE CPD approved presentations, contact your local specification manager or go to the CPD Directory listing on the CIBSE website.

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