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SELECT and ECA meet to discuss on leading the electric future together

The Future

Two of the UK’s leading construction trade associations have held talks to discuss common key strategies and priorities and how they plan to continue their close collaboration to help build a brighter future for the UK’s post-COVID electrotechnical industry.

Skills, training and the green revolution were all high on the agenda as electrical trade bodies SELECT and ECA held a joint virtual meeting to identify priorities for the second half of 2021 and beyond.

Senior staff from the two associations also shared knowledge and industry insights on Monday 26 April as they explored potential opportunities and issues, as well as discussing the ongoing campaign for regulation of the electrical industry in Scotland.

Alan Wilson, Managing Director of SELECT, says: “I am delighted to have been part of an extremely insightful and productive meeting which showed that we are both helping our members with the very same ongoing challenges, including the impact of COVID-19 and Brexit.

“We discussed a wide range of issues and identified several areas where we could continue to work together on behalf of our memberships. Above all, it was heartening to hear that ECA shares our view that the future is electric and that, together, we must continue to lead the way in skills and training to ensure we have a pipeline of properly qualified electricians in place to deal with the technology of tomorrow.

“We have always enjoyed a positive and productive relationship with ECA, and we look forward to our spirit of collaboration and cooperation continuing as we work towards building a strong electrotechnical industry across the UK.”

Steve Bratt, CEO of ECA, comments: “The meeting was extremely productive and made it clear that we both face plenty of future challenges. Like the hashtag that has become popular during the pandemic, we are very much ‘in this together’. It makes sense to share ideas and pool resources, so we will work together to strengthen both the sector and our respective Members’ interests.

“It was particularly useful to discuss the skills agenda and identify ways we can continue to set the pace when it comes to training and apprenticeships. It was also heartening to hear of the positive and engaging relationship both organisations enjoy with their Members, and we shared the many measures we have both taken to help them through the pandemic and support their recovery and restart.”

Founded in 1900, SELECT is Scotland’s largest construction trade association. It has nearly 1,250 member businesses who collectively have an annual turnover of around £1 billion and employ over 15,000 people and 3,500 apprentices. SELECT also delivers training courses to more than 3,500 electricians each year and is committed to regulation of the industry for a safer Scotland.

ECA is a driving force in the electrotechnical and engineering services industry, and has been since its formation in 1901. Today, it continues to work on improving standards, supporting the industry and creating a sustainable business environment.

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