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SELECT welcomes single certificate as way to simplify verification

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Scotland’s largest construction trade association, SELECT, has welcomed the introduction of a new Single Certificate of Construction which is designed to help simplify the process of certification.

The campaigning body says that the new certificate – a single, multi-page document that combines the certificates of construction and electrical installation certificate – will help further increase standards across the industry.

The launch is the culmination of a positive and successful collaboration between SELECT – a long-standing and highly-regarded Building Standards Scheme provider – CertSure, the Local Authority Building Standards Scotland (LABSS) and the Scottish Government’s Building Standards Division (BSD).

Launched last week (1 July), the certificate will meet the requirements of a building warrant to confirm that any electrical works carried out are fully compliant with all aspects of Scottish Building Standards, thus increasing the safety of all buildings now and in the future.

Alan Wilson, Managing Director of SELECT, says: “As the trade body for the electrotechnical sector in Scotland, SELECT has been a Scheme Provider since 2005, and is acutely conscious of the vital role certification has had in delivering new buildings and improved facilities.

“We have been pleased to be so directly involved in discussions with local authorities and certification providers about the move to a single certificate, with a view to improving efficiency and productivity across the industry.

“This latest example of collaboration demonstrates how working together has helped raise awareness of certification. It will not only help simplify the process for all parties, but it could in the longer term build a better picture of the health of Scotland’s electrical installations.”

The single document will comprise a first page with a new format certificate of construction, and the remaining content will include the standard SELECT format electrical installation certificate. It can also be issued where no building warrant is required.

Dave Forrester, SELECT’s Director of Technical Services, comments: “The new certificate will be simpler to use, quicker to complete and easier to understand.

“Approved Certifiers will no longer have to issue separate certificates and local authority verifiers will have all the information they need about compliance, installer competence, workmanship standards and statutory declarations in one document.”

SELECT is encouraging all its Approved Certifiers to migrate to its digital certification service, SELECTcerts, where one login to their accounts will give them access to all collateral, including the new Single Certificate of Construction.

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