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Site for new US Embassy rated 5 stars by Considerate Constructors Scheme

Star ratings posters and certificates will be available to use alongside existing Considerate Constructors Scheme signage. This will provide an opportunity for those registered with the Scheme to show to the public how they have performed against the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice.

They have been created in response to contractors and clients asking for an easy way to demonstrate their considerate credentials to the public.

The new US Embassy, which is currently under construction in Nine Elms in Wandsworth, has achieved the top 5 star rating. The site, which is being constructed by B.L. Harbert International, in conjunction with Sir Robert McAlpine, is due to open in 2017.

Scheme chief executive Edward Hardy said: ‘The introduction of the star ratings system provides an easily identifiable and quantifiable way for the public, local community and workforce to understand the extent to which sites and companies are performing against the Scheme’s Code of Considerate Practice.

‘This Code is designed to encourage the industry to improve the image of construction through caring about appearance, respecting the community, protecting the environment, securing everyone’s safety and valuing their workforce. We believe the introduction of these posters and certificates will help to present an even more positive image of the industry to the public’.

Sir Robert McAlpine’s Project Manager Bob Kay commented: ‘At the New London Embassy we take pride in providing a working environment that not only attracts like minded personnel to the site but aims to do so in a way that demonstrates our commitment not only to the site and its personnel but also to the wider community. Receiving such recognition from the Considerate Constructors Scheme demonstrates that we are achieving this aim.’

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