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Sparkle safely this Christmas with the ESC

Sparkle safely this Christmas with the ESC

With almost half of all accidental fires in the home caused by electricity, the Electrical Safety Council (ESC) is asking people to take no chances with their seasonal lighting.

‘At the risk of sounding somewhat Scrooge like, we need to make the public aware of the dangers posed by old or damaged Christmas lights,’ explained Phil Buckle, director general of the ESC.

‘This time of year is always expensive and we all try and save some money where we can but please don’t sell the safety of your family and home cheaply. Lights that are damaged, old, misused – or plugged into overloaded adaptors or extension leads – can cause electric shock or fire. If you are unsure about the safety of your lights, buy new ones. They won’t break the bank but they could make a big difference to your Christmas.’

When buying replacement Christmas lights, the ESC recommends getting LEDs, as they use significantly less electricity than traditional filament lights. LED lights are less likely to overheat and cause fire and, as they operate at extra low voltage, there is much less chance of getting an electric shock.

‘Christmas lights are pulled out year after year, often with little regard given to their safety,’ added Phil Buckle. ‘The advice we’re issuing this Christmas is to use electricity wisely – check your Christmas lights are safe, turn them off when you are not around to enjoy them and be alert to potential electrical dangers around the home.’

Here are the ESC’s top 10 tips for a sparkling and safe Christmas:

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