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Tri-borough partnership of Westminster, Kensington & Chelsea and Hammersmith & Fulham launches online system of tendering contracts

By saving time, it will save money. It will help provide better value across three boroughs.

The new, online system is called capitalEsourcing and will be open to any sized companies that want to supply one or all three of the Tri-borough councils. Once a supplier has registered on capitalEsourcing, they will able to bid for future contracts. The system will tell them about potential contracts as well as when they are going out to tender. Companies will also be able to monitor the progress of bids they have made.

The system will cover any, and all, contracts for any services whether they’re for just one council or the Tri-borough partnership.

capitalEsourcing has already been successfully used for the procurement of the Tri-borough contract for Information Communications and Technology (ICT) provision which was awarded to BT and Agilisys.

Councillor Melvyn Caplan, Westminster City Council Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources & Customer Services, said, ‘The Tri-borough partnership was set up to tackle common problems, improve people’s lives and make public money go further. The capitalEsourcing system will do all three. By streamlining the tendering process, it will help the three boroughs to manage and monitor their relationships with their suppliers. It will improve everyone’s productivity.’

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