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Two new websites launch to help homes and businesses capitalise on the Green Deal scheme

Two new websites launch to help homes and businesses capitalise on the Green Deal scheme

A duo of dedicated new websites have launched to help homeowners and businesses up and down the country make the most of the government’s Green Deal scheme for energy savings.

Green Deal Certified and Green Deal Directory are designed to help businesses offer Green Deal energy saving works and householders to locate accredited assessors and installers in their local area.

Since its launch on 1st October 2012, thousands of Britons have embraced the Green Deal scheme as a chance to clamp down on rising energy bills. It allows householders and business owners to make energy saving improvements to their homes or workplace without having to pay all the costs up front. Official figures from the Department of Energy and Climate Change show that Green Deal take up reached record numbers in March with almost 8,000 assessments completed and £68.9m worth of contracts let through the eco-brokerage scheme. With demand climbing at unprecedented levels month on month, a whole new industry has sprung up to support the going green initiative.

The rapid grow in consumer demand has meant a surge in demand for qualified professionals to carry out works such as insulation, draft proofing and renewable energy installation. For the Green Deal to work there must be a ready supply of certified assessors and installers however, all suppliers (assessors and Installers) must be officially accredited by the government, leading to a complex application process and an onslaught of lot of complicated paperwork. Many small companies wanting to become Green Deal providers, assessors and installers simply don’t have the time or skills to complete the process.

With a fast track approach to Green Deal accreditation, the brand new Green Deal Certified website solves this problem by offering would-be Green Deal suppliers a quick and easy way to complete the paperwork and gain the necessary official approval. This empowers local experts to offer energy saving services under the Green Deal scheme much quicker than has previously been the case, giving SMEs a much needed boost at the same time as helping more customers access the energy saving improvements they need.

By getting companies through the process quicker, more customers can sign up for the Green Deal Scheme to access energy savings and reduce energy consumption. Thomas Farquhar, sales manager of Green Deal Certified, said, ‘It was clear that the average potential supplier of Green Deal services simply found the accreditation process far to time consuming. They are busy people. Therefore our service takes away the hassle and time problems and in effect allows these companies to take an ‘express’ path to accreditation.’

Joining the Green Deal Certified site in launching this week is the Green Deal Directory, created by entrepreneurs Steve Witt and Paul Farquhar to help consumers find local Green Deal Companies. The site helps serve the growing public demand for the Green Deal making it easy for users to locate their nearest certified Green Deal assessors and installers.

Director Steve Witt said, ‘The Green Deal Scheme is fantastic but for the consumer it’s still very difficult to get information or find local companies to provide the services. We wanted to create a simple website which answered all questions and gave you instant access to ALL local suppliers.’

For further information visit: and

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