Senior staff at the UK’s biggest electricity distributor have led by example to demonstrate the company’s commitment to disability training.
To mark International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December), the company’s senior leadership team received two-fold training from charity partner Scope to help ensure UK Power Networks’ customers and staff with a disability receive the best possible experience.
UK Power Networks is committed to understanding the issues raised by its disabled customers and make its services more inclusive, having worked with Scope since 2020.
All the company’s directors have now completed interactive training which is designed to help them better support disabled customers and create a more inclusive workplace for people with disabilities.
It covers a wide range of issues including the additional costs faced by disabled people, the use of inclusive language and day-to-day barriers in society based on real experiences.
Paul Fuller, Director of Partnerships at Scope, says, “At Scope we campaign relentlessly to create a fairer society. One in five of the UK population is disabled and so we work hard with partners like UK Power Networks to make real change.
“We know that in a cost-of-living crisis it’s more important than ever that companies and service providers are as accessible and inclusive as possible.
“The world is acknowledging that access and inclusion for everyone is important. The more people who are educated on accessibility, the more inclusive the world becomes. Scope is helping businesses with their inclusive recruitment, disabled employee retention, employee training and greater digital accessibility for disabled customers and employees.
“UK Power Networks’ senior leadership team are leading by example and are all attending a bespoke Scope accessibility and inclusion training course. They have shown real commitment to accessibility training for all employees and are working towards an inclusive workplace.
“UK Power Networks is an active member of the Scope Utilities Membership (SUM) and are also supporting our Disability Energy Support with water advice service, providing helpline and digital support for disabled people. We are very proud to have UK Power Networks as a partner.”
Farina Farrier, Social Sustainability Strategy and Programme Manager for UK Power Networks, says, “This is a strong example of the ways we maximise our help and support for customers and staff with a disability.
“Our wide-ranging and enduring partnership with Scope helps us to better understand the day-to day-challenges and increased costs that disabled people face – particularly during the current cost of living crisis.
“We have set out an ambitious strategy to support our vulnerable customers over the next five years and it is essential that we understand their needs to deliver this support in the most accessible possible way.
“By working with Scope, we are ensuring colleagues across the business better understand the needs of the disabled people and how we can all help remove barriers to essential services through our daily interactions and activities.”