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Wila’s Peter Le Manquais gives series of Society of Light and Lighting Masterclasses

Wila’s Peter Le Manquais gives series of Society of Light and Lighting Masterclasses

A new European standard (EN12464-1 Lighting of Indoor Work Places) for the lighting of indoor spaces came into force in July. Explaining the standards in a series of Society of Light and Lighting (SLL) Masterclasses is Wila’s group technical director, Peter Le Manquais.

Peter will be holding eight Q&A sessions across the UK to explain the implications of the standards to the industry as well as the importance of energy and cost benefits. Showing real life comparisons between a compliant lighting scheme and an older scheme, Peter will discuss how to satisfy the Standard’s criteria in the real world.

Dates and locations of the SLL Masterclasses:

Date Location Venue

4 October Southampton Rose Bowl Cricket Ground

27 October Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

9-10 November LuxLive, London Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre

24 November Manchester Cube

25 January Bristol Watershed

22 February York Racecourse

29 March Newcastle St James’ Park Football Ground

26 April Leicester Space Centre

24 May London City Hall

The standard will introduce new metrics to consider when designing lighting for an indoor task. It will take into account for the first time, daylight, minimum illuminance for ceilings and walls, mean cylindrical illuminance and modelling and will include an extended definition of the task, surround and background area. The standard is designed to provide a better place for people to work, so that performance is enhanced and the light is efficiently delivered to where it is needed; saving energy in the process.

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