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Winter energy crisis: ECA’s advice for managing power cuts 

Woman sits in winter hat at hoem doing paperwork under lights of candles as Russia cut gas supplies and Europe suffers from energy crisis.

ECA has promised to support its members who may be asked to design and install emergency power systems in the event of emergency power cuts this winter.

Energy providers and National Grid have warned of potential power cuts caused by supply fears following the war in Ukraine. Worst-case government scenarios estimate that energy systems could be severely disrupted for up to a week.

ECA Senior Technical Manager Gary Parker says, “Because of an unprecedented combination of factors including surging demand, supply concerns, and a cost-of-living crisis, our members and their clients are facing a tough winter.

“ECA has seen an uptick in members asking for advice and help reviewing their clients’ systems and recovery plans. We are here to support members with advice and guidance on how to best design and install additional and stand-by systems that can meet their clients’ needs.

“It is important to remember that the UK’s electricity network is one of the most reliable in the world. However, we must be prepared for all eventualities, and the electrotechnical sector will be on the front line if emergency power cuts do occur.”

Those deemed most at risk for the effects of power cuts over the winter include pensioners, care home residents, and people in sheltered housing, schools, and other buildings which may not have energy contingency plans in place.

Electrical designers and installers are encouraged to visit ECA’s Technical website, where members can access a wide range of technical guidance notes, bulletins, and the ECA Technical helpline.

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