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Rates & mechanical data


Advertisement size

Trim size (w x h)

Bleed size (w x h)


DPS 488 x 340mm 494 x 346mm £3,500
Full page 244 x 340mm 250 x 346mm £2,000
Half page DPS 468 x 159mm n/a £1,750
Half page (horizontal)  224 x 159mm n/a  £1,250
Half page (vertical) 109 x 326mm n/a £1,250
Junior A4 164 x 235mm n/a £1,250
Third page bookends (x2) 75 x 326mm n/a £1,750
Quarter page DPS strip 468 x 77mm n/a £1,000
Quarter page 109 x 159mm n/a £750
Quarter page strip 224 x 77mm n/a £750
Quarter page bookends (x2) 55 x 326mm n/a £1,500
Eighth Page (classified) 109 x 77mm n/a £125
Front cover strip 224 x 53mm n/a £1,250
Front cover earpiece 125 x 47mm n/a £1,250

Product Link

Advertisement size

Trim size (w x h)

Bleed size (w x h)


Back cover 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm £850
Full page 210 x 297mm 216 x 303mm £750
Product insertion (Package 1) One image, 150 words (max), url   £125
Product insertion (Package 2) As package 1 + small cover square   £144
Product insertion (Package 3) As package 1 + large cover square   £245


Loose or bound in subject to weight and size.

Mechanical specifications

File Formats

We prefer industry standard 1.3 compliant PDFs with PDF/X-1a settings Recommended settings can be downloaded from

Files should be CMYK, images 300dpi or more, all fonts embedded and OPI settings switched off. Any file supplied in RGB colour mode will be converted to CMYK. This may result in unexpected results due to possible colour shifts during conversion. Any individual images or logos should be supplied as hi-res EPS, JPEG, TIFF, Photoshop, Illustrator or PDF files. Please ensure any fonts are embedded or outlined.

Digital Editions

Hyperlinks will only be picked up by the digital publisher if they appear as text rather than a flattened image. Please let the production department know if you have any particular requests with regards to links when you supply your artwork.

Delivery Method

Email files to Folders may be zipped.
Large files may be sent using an online service such as or

Whilst every effort is made to ensure that advertisements are produced to the highest standards, All Things Media Ltd will not accept responsibility for the reproduction of adverts that have not been supplied to our specification. Where possible, if changes must be made by us a proof will be sent for final approval.

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