NICEIC has invited all Approved Contractors to enrol on a new Government endorsed register ahead of key legislation introduction.
Designed to assist landlords and their agents, the new register identifies competent electrical contractors who can undertake mandatory electrical safety checks in private rental properties in England.
The move responds to new PRS legislation, which comes into force on July 1, 2020, and reaffirms NICEIC’s commitment to technical excellence and raising safety standards.
Under the new legislation, which comes into force on July 1, 2020, private landlords will be required to ensure their properties are subjected to mandatory electrical installation testing at least every five years.
Official guidance will soon be released signposting landlords, and their agents, to the Competent Persons Electrical website. Here they will be able to search for qualified, electrical contractors able to undertake electrical safety checks in their properties.
The NICEIC requires Approved Contractors to ‘opt-in’ should they wish to be included on the list. This can be done by clicking here.
During this process, registrants must confirm they meet all scheme requirements which include, having the correct professional qualifications, operating in compliance with best practice guidelines as set out by Electrical Safety First and holding professional indemnity insurance cover.
“We have taken the decision to ask our Approved Contractors to ‘opt-in’ as opposed to registering them by default for two reasons,” says NICEIC Technical Director, John O’Neill
“The first relates to raising standards; we must make sure all NICEIC contractors are fully aware of their obligations under this new scheme. By adding in an additional layer of accountability, we are taking responsible measures to ensure this essential piece of legislation delivers the required safety improvements for all.
“The second respects contractor choice and promotes consumer satisfaction. While this legislation is both needed and welcomed, we appreciate that not all of our Approved Contractors work in the Private Rented Sector. By operating an ‘opt-in’ model, we aim to avoid frustration and ensure landlords, and their agents can quickly identify the right NICEIC contractor for the job.”
NICEIC contractors operating under the Approved Contractor scheme automatically meet the professional qualification criteria for the Competent Person Electrical Register. Contractors who are registered under the NICEIC DIS and ELECSA Part P schemes will need to take additional steps in order to qualify. For more details, click here.