Electric Vehicle Takeup Expected To Increase Demand For Power

Electric Vehicle Takeup Expected To Increase Demand For Power

Working with Western Power Distribution, EA Technology is modelling the network impact of the Electric Nation Vehicle to Grid (V2G) trial. 

The growing number of people using electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to increase the demand for power, especially if households have more than one vehicle. The V2G trial will show how this technology can resolve any potential issues with electric grid capacity. 

Of the 200 applicants wanting to take part in the trial, 21% already have two or more EVs at their property. Furthermore, 48% of applicants are likely to purchase a second EV. These figures show that the applicants are particularly knowledgeable and enthusiastic about EVs. 

On the one hand this is encouraging, but also illustrates the scale of challenges ahead for electricity network operators: charging each additional electric vehicle at home is similar to connecting an extra house to the electricity network (in terms of power and energy required). 

Already, this data shows that the clustering of EVs (i.e. more than one per household) is more prevalent than previously assumed. It appears that many drivers liked their first EV so much that they either already have a second EV or are considering getting one in the near future. Such clustering will place further load on the local electricity network. However, by using V2G technology, EVs can return energy back into the grid at peak times, reducing the need for extra electricity generation or expensive network reinforcement. 

The Electric Nation Vehicle to Grid trial is a coordinated initiative between four project partners. Western Power Distribution (WPD) is the project Distribution Network Operator, CrowdCharge is leading the project and DriveElectric is helping with recruitment of trial participants. EA Technology is modelling the network impact, using its powerful software platform to understand and optimise V2G operation for Distribution Network Operators. 

Dave Roberts, Technical Director at EA Technology comments,“As a key partner in this project, we will be able to deploy and test our cutting-edge research and in a practical setting. The data we are gathering is vital to understanding how EVs will deliver benefits not only to drivers, but also to all energy users by reducing electricity network costs. The success of the project will raise the profile of EVs nationally, and hopefully encourage more drivers to take advantage of V2G charging.”

EA Technology helps its clients understand this constantly evolving energy landscape by defining business strategy and establishing the benefits of adopting novel approaches. It shapes trials and pilot projects on the distribution network, and takes outcomes from innovative projects, to develop business-as-usual practices for instant adoption in the everyday world.

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